I watched in pain and grief as my sister died. I smiled and held her hand as she drifted away - smiled on the outside because if this was the last image that she would see of me, it would be one filled with love, not of pain. It was one of the hardest things I had to do, or so I thought. The day after her memorial, I held my mother tight as she received news that my brother had been killed.
This decade has been marked with pain. Terror attacks, two wars, a president installed by the supreme court. The election of Obama marked a hopeful transition and that remains a distant illusion given the intraction of the senate and congress and the power of the moneyplayers.
Still, there is much to be thankful for this past decade. Personally, I have found a hobby that fills a void and from that hobby, a group of people whom I have grown to love. As a family, we have tasted the pain of death and the joy of new births.
I hope the next decade will be better than the last. Am I still hoping? - you bet! If I let go of that one thing, then lay me down and let me join my sister and brother in heaven. Happy New years everyone.