There's a
triple-hearsay rumor going around, in which it's said that the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei is ready to flee to Russia due to protests there.
Here's how the chain goes: The sensationalist Huffington Post says that Radio Netherland says that a Netherlands-based Iranian group says that a fax says that Khamenei is fleeing to Russia.
But the Huffington Post itself debunked its own story in an update which reads:
Iranian journalist and media researcher Omid Habibinia tells HuffPost he has doubts about the authenticity of the document that this report evolves around. He says it is fast circulating Facebook but for many reasons he believes the document is forgery, including the fact there are no words below the logo of the Islamic Republic of Iran and no mail is confidential in the Persian month Mehr.
Of course, the Huffington Post won't change its false title because it wants lots and lots of traffic, and it wants websites left and right (such as DU) to click on its link and provide them with lots and lots of traffic. A shocking, bold, yet unsubstantiated headline does the trick.
Here's the alleged official document in which the rumor was based:

For whatever reason, God-knows-who has thought in the past that falsely pronouncing Khamenei dead or painting him as a coward would be a good thing to do. For example
George Stephanopolous of ABC spreads rumor that Khamenei is in coma (October 2009): later the Stephanopolous rumor is debunked when Radio Free Europe reports that Khameini was present at a meeting with students: is a right-winger in 2007 "breaking" the following news: "BREAKING NEWS --Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, is dead." to say, Khameini wasn't dead. Let's stop being so gullible around here.
The saddest part in all this is that one DU'er was
for not believing the rumor.
I wish the Iranian tyrants were replaced by Democratic revolutionaries; but wishful thinking is one thing and disinformation is another.