According to">Mother Jones, the Teabaggers are now complaining that they have been hijack by the GOP. The "break point item" for them... a $1,600 dinner tab for 6 that was paid with member donations.
So let me get this strait, a GOP created astro-turf movement that has grown beyond there control, has been hijacked... wait for it...
by their creators?! Can I get a WTF?!
I know the difference between the Tea Party Express,and the Tea Party Patriots (the tools who know it, and those who don't respectively), but I find it simply stunning (and given their brazen attitudes of late, predictable) that the GOP would give the left such a back door opening into their frenzied base; an opportunity to smell the bullshit that the GOP has been feeding them all year.
If there was ever a time for a "TOLD YOU SO" moment, this is it! Time to grab the popcorn!
TBR- "You Messiah Obama is a commie liberal who wants to take my guns, tax me to death, put me in FEMA camps and bring Sharia Law to The United States!"
LBR- "And your false prophets fed you those stale lies, ordered steak dinners and cocktails for themselves and left you with the bill! So you going to finish that milkshake?"
Anyone adventurous enough to post my lil' prod, or one of there own, on some teabagger websites, report back here with your highlights!