What happens when the Republicans get back in power, which they will after this alleged health care reform (Insurance Industry) SHIT Bill becomes law, and the Republicans:
1) Keep all the mandates in place, forcing people to pay the Insurance Industry and come up with new ways to audit/fine the middle class with it's attachment to the IRS?
2) They tax the middle (cadillac) class health care plans even more, to pay for more tax breaks for the Wealthy and Corporate America?
3) They CUT & GUT funding to things in the bill that actually did help the American People, which is what supporters claim is the reason to concede everything for?
4) Use it to restrict people, with whatever they do not agree with, and science.
Anyone feel free to add more to what this gives the Republicans an opportunity to do.
What do you plan to do then, because it IS coming?
You have thought about how the Republicans will use it against the American People, just like NAFTA, haven't you?
Now, do NOT tell me what you 'hope' will happen someday, because that is a NAFTA analogy, which still has not been corrected. Also, do not blame those who are sounding the alarm that this bill is a major fuck up by the Democratic Party and will have harmful consequences for the Democratic Party, because the blow back is coming, whether you like it or not. The DLC DemoRATS are in the process of destroying the Democratic Party, like BushBots destroyed the Republican Party. RAH! RAH! RAHM!!!
Either Obama & the Democrats in Congress stand with and work for the American People.
Obama & Democrats, Inc. stands with and works for Corporate America.
That is the bottom line!
And based on 2009, Corporate America had one hell of a year with our Obama & Democrats, Inc. Government, especially with this alleged health care reform SHIT Bill.
*Hurry up and delete this thread, because it informs people what is coming with this NAFTA/HCR SHIT Bill when the Republicans get back in power. Oh no... He wrote "DLC DemoRATS." RED ALERT! RED ALERT! RED ALERT! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!