Sent to www.whitehouse.gov on 12/31/09 at 10:10 AM Alaska Time:
Dear President Obama,
I’m wondering if you, like I, can feel our democracy crumbling along with the working class so necessary for democracy to exist. Do you feel the concentration of wealth that makes possible the concentration of power, and the concentration of power that makes possible the concentration of wealth? Do you see Wealth and Power feeding parasitically on the People?
Do you confuse the economically-induced patriotism that provides fodder for the military-terror-industrial complex with a true belief in empire? When you greet the bodies of soldiers returning home from meaningless wars, write letters of condolence to their grieving families, and visit their graves, does it occur to you that their deaths serve no purpose other than the enrichment of the few? Do you, like past presidents, fail to see the difference between defense and economic interests? Do you believe the politics of fear as the words come from your mouth?
You are a learned person, so I find it difficult to believe that you fail to notice the parallels between the state of working people today and their state just prior to the Great Depression, which followed decades of subversion of democracy by the Robber Barons. Like the working class of the 1920s, the working class of today is a casualty of a decades-long war waged against them by business interests.
Your actions as President, from your dealings with business, to your support for a health care reform bill that will force the working poor to buy insurance they cannot afford to use, to the increase in use of Predator drone attacks that kill more civilians than their intended targets, to your failure to support the democratically-elected president of Honduras, are not the actions of an advocate for the people.
I just thought someone should bring a few of these things to your attention. Like Hamlet, you appear to be “most dreadfully served” by your staff.