Edited on Mon Jan-29-07 04:02 PM by stellanoir
The first was to Deepak who was responding to an article dismissive of magical thinking. The second was to the most honerable Senator Feingold.
How's this for magical thinking. , ,?
Being a spiritualist who is also politically obsessed, I really agree with my dinky state's founder about creating a lively experiment. . .
Experimentations "are any actions or processes undertaken to discover somthing not yet known."
It is not yet provable though many in the spiritual community feel as though the current energies available to humanity are truly unprecedented in all our global recorded histories. It certainly feels as such.
I was once told a very long time ago that there would be a second flood. It would be a flood of ideas.
Pssssssst. . .I'd reckon we're about 5/6th of the way through it.
Here's a possible navigational tool that anyone can use to clear the plethora of foggy distortions:
Consider trying this out for a mantra. . .
"I co create with spirit that all those leaders who don't hold the greater good for ALL in their hearts as their absolute top priority, be exposed and stripped of all their power-pronto."
Rinse and repeat.
tra la la
Or as my son mockingly jokes. . ."So-o-o. . .this amazing energy previously unavailable to humanity, walks into a bar. . .the bartender says. . ."WOH". . .everybody gets enlightened."
Consider thinking outside your restrictive exclusively linear boxes people. This could start to be GREAT fun for a change. I promise because the highest authority of a not so little bird told me.
************************************************************************************* Congressman,
Thank you for all your intrepid and honorable efforts.
Since the definition of a Constitutional crisis is a situation wherein there is a breakdown or gross imbalance between the three branches of government, and since the executive branch's job is to defend the Constitution and we, the people from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and they've blatantly done anything but endanger us by repeating their falsehoods, and distortions. . .
The bottom line is. . .
The * "misadministration" created a Constitutional crisis when they failed to adhere to the legislative branch's stipulation in the IWR (10/02) that they MUST acquire UN approval before using force in Iraq. Yoo Hoo. . .they did not.
By ignoring the will of the legislature and rushing to war based on bogus intelligence (aka sheer stupidity,) they've blatantly violated the balance of power set forth by our beloved founders in the Constitution.
These bozo's have trashed our economy, our global reputation, killed and tortured innumerable innocents, and thereby put we, the people at enormous "Risk." Foreign policy is simply far more complex than a board game. Duh.
Having no respect, enlightenment, conscience, consciousness, humanity, or appreciation for other cultural orientations whatsoever and behaving like total greedy bullies, * (Pinky) and "hogwash" Cheney (the Brain) should be encouraged to resign from their ill gotten and unearned positions of power, post haste.
Their heinous game of global domination is not only not working, it is historically doomed to failure, totally tiresome, ideologically and spiritually utterly vacuous, and so-o-o nauseatingly antiquated.
Think multiple resignations can't happen? Think again.
Consider trying this out for a mantra. . .
"I co create with spirit that all those leaders who don't hold the greater good for ALL as their absolute top priority, be exposed and stripped of all their power-pronto."
Rinse and repeat.
We, the people, are sick tired of living in a country that has morphed into being of the corporations, for the corporations, and by the corporations, benifiting ONLY the presumed "who's who of the chosen few,"
Let's fix it with our hearts AND minds or at least try.
The overwhelming majority of the people think the surge of forces in Iraq is nothing more than a "vendetta on failure" and that "victory" is an illusive impossibility.
By ignoring both the legislative branch and the people for 6 long years, let's incessantly demand their resgnations NOW.
Happy "Moonday"
Have a nice day.
I just sent them to Senator Feingold's office directly because my 'puter and the Huff post's server don't appear to get along very well. Nevermind. LOL