The Right Wing Revealed: Bill Berkowitz Pulls the Blanket Off Religious Extremists and Right Wing Nutters, a Retrospective GUEST COMMENTARY
By Bill Berkowitz
With a nod, a wink, apologies, and great appreciation to Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities:
It was the best of times (the inauguration of Barack Obama, the first African American president in U .S. history), it was the worst of times (the killing in Iraq and Afghanistan rages on), it was the age of wisdom (a time to find solutions to difficult problems), it was the age of foolishness (birthers, deathers, gun-toting anti-Obama protesters), it was the epoch of belief (can we really come up with meaningful health care reform?), it was the epoch of incredulity (Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck), it was the season of Light (could real solutions to climate change be at hand?), it was the season of Darkness (tea partiers were on the move), and, it was the spring of hope (“Yes We Can”), it was the winter of despair (Is this the change we believed in?), we had everything before us (a brand new day), we had nothing before us (same as it ever was), we were all going direct to heaven (“It’s a Beautiful Day”), we were all going direct the other way (“I still haven’t found what I’m looking for) - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
The following are some of the stories I covered during the past year.
My great thanks to the readers who read these pieces and the editors that saw fit to publish them. This review is dedicated to my grandson, Alton Theodore Berkowitz-Gosselin, who will be six months old on January 1, 2010.