Edited on Sat Jan-02-10 12:01 AM by Mermaid7
Medical Professionals say Rush has No Heart Problems.
I've read so many threads wishing him well, that it's become well, rather sickeningly hypocritical.
We all want to take the high road, don't we?
While you and I would not wish anything to befall anyone regardless of how sickeningly incorrect they might be,(and who could have been a more perfect target?) It's because of the type of people we democrats are, and how we stand tall for one and all. It's part of our ideals, regardless of who it is, and with Rush, it's definitely, 'regardless'.
Now, what's become rather sickening and truthfully, very repugnant, is this accusation that's going around. Have you seen it?
It's the one speaking of bleeding heart democrats in reference to our kindness to Rush.
In that we are stupid, stupid, bleeding heart, idiot, liberals, because even we have had the decency to have wished him well.
Now what the fuck?
Now again, how despicable is that? How despicable can our decency be?
(Want to talk about Christianity? Can that only be a right wing thing?)
You know, don't you, that you can't win for being right? (Obama are you listening?)
So why try?
We might as well be wrong!
His fat ass, now comes out of hospital, for an apparent non-emergency, stating how great our health care is! (Wow, what if he really was having a heart attack trouble and had no health insurance, how wonderful would it have been then?)
Ah, but for the grace of God, there goes Rush... the Fat, Racist, Ignorant Bastard!
So, I said it, and I'll say it.
Rush is, still and probably will always be a Dick!
Let's send him all our good wishes.
And then take away his health insurance...pronto!
On the basis of his pre-existing condition, no or at best defective heart.