Sorry, not meaning to be rude here, but my family and I have been feeling the effects of this from the very beginning.
I started out my adult life homeless in part because of Carter's bad handling of the economic policy, and the recession that he passed on to Reagan. While I managed to finally find a job and some stability, I watched as others around me slid backwards. Outsourcing isn't something that came into being under Clinton, it has been an ongoing process that has devastated people out here in the Midwest. I watched as my small home town go from a manufacturing/agriculture base to being a tourist trap/service base because of the policies enacted during the seventies and eighties. They were fortunate, many small farm towns couldn't make that transition and have dried up and blown away.
When Clinton accelerated outsourcing with NAFTA and other "free" trade policies, it had a huge effect here in the Midwest. It swept away the remnants of the manufacturing sector, and created a permanent service class that are ill paid. These were good middle class families and jobs. Sure, this didn't get big coverage out on the coasts, after all, we're in "flyover country", but for millions of families life under Clinton took a sharp downturn.
Yes, Bush did put a huge hit on the middle class in this country, but to pile it all on his shoulders is simply partisan bullshit. While you may have been personally fine on the coasts or in the cities, out here in the Midwest, our suffering began long before Bush, Clinton, or even Reagan. It has only been continuing since.
This has been a long term, little publicized slide for millions of families over the past three-four decades. While it accelerated under some administrations and slowed under others, it has still continued on its downward trajectory. Frankly every administration from Nixon on have had a hand in destroying our society, our middle class, our country, and believe me, there is more than enough blame to go around for all of them.