by EricAZ
It's clear that the U.S. intelligence services are still in the fax machine era, when humans could sort the faxes into piles and put them in filing cabinets.
The fact that they use computers to store their files doesn't mean they are in the 21st century.
A reading of the ny times and wapo pieces on the Christmas bomber make this abundently clear that nothing moves forward without humans sorting the piles.
Once they knew there was a plot against the U.S. involving Yemen and Nigeria, they should have put a bot on the case.
The National Security Agency four months ago intercepted conversations among leaders of Al Qaeda in Yemen discussing a plot to use a Nigerian man for a coming terrorist attack.
A bot, a computer program that works continuously in the background, should have been looking for ties between Yemen and Nigeria. There was plenty of information in the U.S. intelligence databases for it to pick up:
--A young man with a U.S. visa traveling to Yemen.
--Alerts from the young man's family.
--Further tips about a Christmas plot.
--A Nigerian who has been to Yemen flying to the U.S. on Christmas on a cash ticket with no luggage.
It is a little bit too easy to design the bot in hindsight. Would it have needed human supervision, maintenance and continuous improvement? Yes. Should a human have been assigned to investigate the plot along with the bot? Of course. We spend a ton of resources investigating false alarms produced by burglar alarm companies. A known terrorist plot certainly deserves dedicated resources.
We lead the world in information technology. We should have the best minds at Google helping the government to get this right.
Obama inherited this problem of ineffective information sharing and a lack of pro-active electronic information analysis. Fortunately, he is just the person to do something about it. the databases for the intelligence agencies even linked?