FOR MY DU FRIENDS ~ You are so helpful about so many situations throughout the year ~ can you review this and let me know if it is OK to send to my friends. The first paragraph is to my friends that I trust to give me good input.
Thanks DU Buddies........HAPPY NEW YEAR ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Friends, this is a preview of something I want to send , you are my Preview List to see if you have some ideas or suggestions before I send it to my contact list. If by chance you see the names of others that I have sent this too, let me know because you should not see any other names.
Happy New Year!
_________ Rough Draft of Email that GOCLARK wants to send to her friends - see below.......
I was reading about the Virus Problems that are causing massive breakdowns with computers.
I can't solve that massive problem but I decided to do this....
# 1 --- Any email that I send to you will start in the Subject Line with ....
FROM go clark: or From: GC
#2 --- It is hard to resist those nice emails that say " Send to 5 people" but I will try my best to not send one to you.
If I do, YOU won't hurt my feelings at ALL if you don't send it to anyone!
# 3 I will try my best to delete the names ( in the Body of the Email) of anyone that has sent me that email before sending it to you. Unless their names are showing in the TO or CC erase them please before you send it to anyone else.
For example, if I am sending an email to President Obama and I send the First Lady a CC, I'll know that Michelle and Barack will not forward it to anyone without my permission.
# 3 I will use the BCC option if I am sending an email to a group of my friends that may or may not know each other.
For example: Have you ever seen the names of others that the email is being sent to and noticed that someone was on the list that is a friend of yours? I've had that happen to me and it's hard to resist sending that long lost friend on the list an email.
I could see another problem if I noticed the email address of someone that had borrowed $2010 from me and I've been searching for them for years!
My resolution is that unless I have the person's permission to send them emails, I would only do that if I got permission from the sender to check with that person and have THAT person email me.
Even then, it would hurt my feelings if that person didn't want to be my Email Pal.
So, for me, it's best to not see the names or email addresses of anyone but the sender.
Hope this helps us to have a Virus Free and Happy New Year!