I have my doubts as to this year being a good one. Why? Simple. The right-wing wants power back. And they are willing to do just about anything and everything to get power back. You thought the "Swift Boaters" were bad in 2004? The Teabaggers are far worse. And they can and probably will go all the way to using violence.
Just look at this Teabagger's screed.
It's been a good year in politics.
1. The media-hyped bullshit called global warming came crashing down a month ago after researchers discovered email from climate researchers warning that their data were to be kept secret or destroyed if compromised. The half wit class in Fido always crowing about ***REAL SCIENCE*** are either silent or are defensive of these pseudo-researchers, who will not sumbit their findings to peer review, a hallmark of ***REAL SCIENCE***. The mainstream media barely notice.
2. The mainstrea, media have their worst year ever (except for the WSJ and Fox News).
a. The New York Times, print arm of the Obama White House, borrowed $250 million from a Mexican loan shark at usury rates to stay afloat. The New York Times sold their building and now lease office space from the new owners. The New York Times sold their coroporate jet. The New York Times fired more than 100 reporters and editors. Every big market daily paper in the US but one lost readers this year with the Chicago Trib going under and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution falling out of the top 25 papers for the first time in memory.
b. The three broadcast primetime news shows notched their lowest ratings since they started keeping ratings. The Wall Street Journal is now the largest circulation daily newspaper in the country, and Fox News has the ratings of its three nearest competitors combined (O'Reilly continues to massacre ultra weirdo Olbermann in the ratings). Charles Krauthammer had this to say: "With Fox News, Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes discovered a niche market - half the American people." Nowhere was the bankruptcy of mainstream television more apparent than when Harry Smith invited Al Gore to read his insipid global warming poem on the air. The prissy Gore with his sibilated S's, sincere eye contact and melodramatic delivery caused every man in the country to cringe. Cringe turned to nausea as Smith went Brokeback with Gore and gushed over how special it was to him to hear the poem from Gore himself.
3. At year's end, Mrs. Cigar Willy and Sarah Palin are the most admired women in America with Oprah Winfrey coming in third. In fourth place (with half the ratings Ms. Palin notched) is Michelle Obama. I am going to venture some analysis here; I believe that Americans are sick to death of the Michelle hagiography that passes for news about the First Lady, the sickening tongue bath this broad gets from the mainstream. She is a big, butt ugly woman with no fashion sense and less grace, wearing $500 designer sneakers to a food bank, fercrissakes. The country just told the mainstream press that their empress has no clothes.
4. Congressional leadership in this country is a laughable clown posse of former gay madams, dour lefties, worms and criminals. Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and William Jefferson have been disastrous with some writers predicting a bloodbath rivaling 1994 come November. Elections in Virginia and New Jersey (a state Obama visited five time in the effort to get John Corzine re-elected) may be harbingers of an election day massacre of democrats.
5. Barrack Hussein Obama is the most listless disengaged and boring president of my lifetime. Gerald Ford was a barrel of laughs compared to the pompous windbag who fancies himself commander in chief. After two weeks in office, Obama declares himself tired of being in the White House and goes wandering around DC with Michelle in tow. After his failed climate summit in Copenhagen, Obama declares himself tired period - this clown has vacationed, played golf and had date nights more than any president in American history, and he is tired?? After promising a "timely, targeted and temporary" stimulus package, this disengaged chief executive punted the issue to congress who returned a pork laden package that produced a single year deficit of $1.9 trillion. After promising a plan to reform American health care, the disengaged reformer punted the issue to the clown posse in congress. What emerged from each house is legislation so confusing and wordy that nobody has bothered to read it. This disengaged commander in chief dithered for four months before answering Gen. McChrystal's request for more soldiers for his counterinsurgency in Afghanistan (I wonder how many times he played golf during that four months?) After a crazed muslim shot up Fort Hood, Obama ambled onstage and rambled on for several minutes before he said a word about our 13 dead soldiers in the process wrongly identifying someone in the crowd as a Medal of Honor winner. After a crazed muslim tried to bring down a jet on Christmas day, the duffer in chief waited three DAYS before he said anything - and then he blamed George W. Bush - staute of limitations for blaming GW is over.