they are not really into being the "liberal champion". Of course they keep Ed, Keith, and Rachel.. it makes them money.. But most of the day its the same re-hashed story all day long that starts with Joe in the AM. Whatever he picks up out of the fax machine for talking points, is the rest of the day's direction... along with the rest of the M$M channels. So, by the time you get to Ed, Keith, and Rachel, they must debunk the rest of the newsies who spout off at the mouth all day long. Which is why I loved Rachel's call out for journalists to do the job of journalism. Just because there are 2 sides or someone is saying something from the other side, doesn't mean its true. This weird right/ left type of screaming match that the news-ie sits in the middle of is ridiculous. Or just parroting what a Puke says, even if the facts are untrue, is lazy and disgusting. It doesn't even make for a debate. When commentators are lying, they should correct them with the facts. Likewise, an article written shouldn't just reprint the "comment", they should point out if the statement was factually correct or not.
People are turning these idiots off because they have made themselves irrelevant to the facts on the ground. For many areas and states, people are living through a Depression. Towns and small communities are being wiped out. The Obama "mortgage fix" thing doesn't work for most people.. and the banks could care less within their bureaucratic agency to do anything at all to help. The "too big to fail" banks have countless call centers around the world. There is a chart of things they are are allowed to do to help a customer. If they don't follow these rules/ guidelines, then they are easily replaceable. Between the Depression like conditions for many Americans coupled with the health care bill that has become an ins. co. bailout, Americans are waking up. Poll after poll clearly states that the majority of Americans want some sort of Public Option or Medicare for All type of program.... They are tired of being taken for a ride by the ins. co's. Even self-identified Republicans (and not the town hall crazies) want health care reform and would like to see a Public Option Govt plan compete to keep the ins. co's in line. Too many people have been affected by the inadequate health care system that Americans have... If you are lucky to have employee based ins... the costs are sky-rocketing and the co-pays are expensive and any major medical illness becomes a fight with the ins. co's to pay the bill... Even then, most bankruptcies are due to a medical illness and for many that is WITH insurance.
Its time that the people who represent us in D.C. get on a bus, a greyhound bus and ride around America and look at the mess they have created with their NAFTA's and CAFTA's. The foreclosed neighborhoods because Wall Street was unregulated. They need a fact finding junket for the real America.. not another Golf holiday where they play a round with some fat-cat CEO. AND if they can really face America.. go to one of those free clinics, drive through Detroit, and listen to the pain, fear and frustration.. and then still go back to D.C. and continue giving away America to the corporations.. then they need to retire.