Security Secretary (and former Arizona governor) Janet Napolitano has been getting savaged by politicians and talking heads over a comment that Napolitano's apologists believe was taken out of context.
Boo hoo.
Napolitano is being blasted – rightly so – for having said in the days shortly after the failed attempt by Nigerian national Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to blow up a U.S. airliner that “the system worked.”
Our own two U.S. Senators, John McCain and Jon Kyl, picked up torches and pitchforks and joined the anti-Napolitano mob, with Kyl going so far as to say that he doesn't feel “totally safe” with Napolitano still on the job.
Meantime, Napolitano's supporters complain that her remark about the system working was taken out of context.
Well, duh.
Still, to put this in perspective, shouldn't we go back and find out who supported Napolitano's appointment in the first place?
For instance, we should get the name of the senator who told colleagues, “She will bring a wealth of experience to the department.”
And also the one who said, “She has a no-nonsense attitude, remarkable stamina, and unlimited energy. Arizona's loss is the nation's gain.”
(You see where this is going, don't you?)
That first quote was Kyl. The second, McCain.
Does that put things in context?