Look no further than the Tea Bag 'movement'.
Recycled Rethugs. Almost every one of them are Pro Warpig, deficit spend for the war machine "Fiscal Conservatives".
Perhaps 1% of that entire movement actually see's themselves as true budget hawks. Those few have called the Rethug party on their deficit spending, even from war. But they have been largely stifled in their movement and shoved to the outer fringe.
Challenge a Reich Winger's love affair with the war machine, and ye be a shunned teabagger. Oh the lonely life on an anti-war Reicher.
Ask Ron Paul. ................................................................. Their 'movement' is in it's infancy, it aint even potty trained yet and their already repackaging Rethug talking points and adopting Neocon stances. And, yet the origins of the Teabag 'movement' were intended to be anti-Neocon.
The Tea Party has adopted a 'strong national defense' platform.
Proving them to be deficit spending Neocons.
From 1981-2008 Military/"Defense" spending ranked the #1 sector of ALL government spending. The largest sector our government budget went to "defense" spending driving us into our 12+ TRILLION DOLLAR national debt. At least 80% of our debt is DIRECTLY due to defense/war spending.
That's the glaring corruption of so-called "fiscal conservativism". "FC" is fiscal mismanagement, fiscal irresponsibility, incapable of balancing a federal budget and has driven us into debt that we may never pay off.
Teabaggers claim to be small govt minded fiscal conservatives. Yet 'strong on national defense' is the most expensive and largest sector of government spending only to be recently surpassed by the theft known as bank bailouts.
Proving their hypocrisy.
They're NOT small govt minded. They're small minded. Blind fucking drones.
Their Teabag movement has been thoroughly corrupted by the Neocon corporate military/industrial complex. Along with Health Insurance giants, the war machine bussed teabag protesters to, funded, and organized Teagbag rallies.
The Teabag 'movement' has been thoroughly Neoconized.
Proving just how fast corporations and the super wealthy can infect the purity of a political movement or an up and coming third party.
More proof..
The recent special election in the NY-23rd congressional district was a referendum on the Teabag movement. A district that had voted Rethug for 100 years. Teabaggers forced the GOP candidate to drop out of the race in favor of Pro-Teabagger, Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman.
Hoffman- A 'strong on national defense' pro-military spending "fiscal conservative".
Hoffman proved himself to be just another fuckin neocon.
The Teabag 'movement' put it's heart, soul, and support behind a fiscally irresponsible Neocon.
That's how fast a 3rd party movement can be thoroughly corrupted by corporate America and the superwealthy elite.
Small gov't ye say oh blind Teabagger? ..................................................................
The point to this whole thread..
Progressives are fed up with the direction that Dems, Obama, and the DLC are taking America. It's no secret that many Progressives are considering voting 3rd party. I'm as fed up as any and at times have considered supporting a 3rd party. But reality is a cold hard slap in the face.
If the Teabag 'movement' has taught me anything it's that 3rd party movements can be just as swiftly corrupted as a major party.
Instead Progressives, let's get organized in the upcoming Democratic Party primaries and do some party purification of our own.
We can save the Democratic Party from it's corporate whore-ification and return the Dem party to it's progressive roots. Building a 3rd party from the ground up into a national winner would require 100 TIMES the effort.
Instead, let's save our party.