"Sir, the odds of successfully attacking an Imperial Star Destroyer head on are 783 to 1!" "NEVER TELL ME THE ODDS"
Ok so how much danger are we really in. We are spending billions of dollars. We are destroying countless lives. We are killing children in the name of our "safety". We are fighting the "terrorists" over there because we are in danger over here. Putting aside the fact that 9/11 was avoidable, that we knew it was coming and the Bush administration chose to ignore the PDB that explained that terrorists wanted to hijack an airplane and crash it into the WTC, and putting aside the fact that judging from the "Christmas attack" that the terrorists are total dolts and morons, kind of like our religious nuts, just what are the odds of me getting killed by a terrorist? These numbers were compiled from data at the CDC and the National Safety council and are a few years old...
So here are your "odds" of dying in a lifetime by:
1 in 55,928 of death by lightening 1 in 20,605 in your clothes igniting 1 in 10,455 of dying in your bathtub 1 in 10,010 by falling from a ladder or scaffolding 1 in 9,396 due to excessive heat 1 in 8,389 due to excessive cold 1 in 7,972 in a drowning accident 1 in 6,842 in a railway accident. 1 in 81 in an auto accident 1 in 197 of dying in a homicide 1 in 299 of dying in an assault from a firearm 1 in 5,330 of dying in an assault by hanging or strangulation
Now, what are you odds of dying from a terrorist attack?
1 in 88,000 of a terrorist attack overall. 1 in 1,500,00 of a terrorist-caused shopping mall disaster assuming one such incident a week and you shop two hours a week 1 in 55,000,000 in a terrorist-caused plane disaster assuming one such incident a month and you fly once a month ( 1 )
Yes, keep telling me how it's necessary to fight them over there. Keep telling me I need to be worried about a terrorist who in his suicide bombing attempt FORGOT THE FUCKING DETONATOR. Keep telling me about those horrible Taliban children who are.. what? Waiting outside my door to shoot me? Gimme a fucking break. Are we so afraid of our own shadows that we will kill children who are being armed because their country is under occupation? Until we stop lying to ourselves, until we admit that terrorists aren't attacking us because we are Democratic and free, but because we are invading their lands, trying to steal their resources, and taking sides in land battles that have nothing to do with national security and everything to do with mythological religious wars, we will never be free from terrorism. As it stands you have a better chance of being struck by fucking lightening than you do being killed by a terrorist.