Brit Hume to Tiger Woods: Convert to Christianity for forgiveness. "Become our kinda Christian, and we'll forgive you (and not bring it up when you win again)".
And you can extrapolate this out across the spectrum.
Republicans = our kinda Christians.
Democrats = Pagans doing the devil's work.
The core FAIL in this basic precept displayed across the Conservative media is this:
They forgive FAILED wars (by defending Bush/Cheney ect).
They forgive FAILED economic policy (by defending B/C ect).
They forgive FAILED advice on economic and foreign policy (by hiring those who advocated the same policies that brought our nation to near collapse).
They forgive FAILED morality, and FAILED humanity (by defending, covering-up, or denying their leaders' indiscretions and illegal activities).
But the biggest FAIL is not just their's. It is ours if we don't start throwing a fit next time they forgive themselves for lying to everybody.
It's playground rules and I'm tired of watching the good kids being punked by a bunch of self-righteous bullies.
They're even bringing">guns to political protests! And I would bet if someone got shot, they would be forgiven by FAUX too!
So, here's a New Years resolution for you:
Go to their rallies and confront them.
Go to their websites and confront them.
Go to their corporations and confront them.
Go to their playgrounds and confront them.
There's an old saying that goes...
"The way you deal with a bully, is to break his nose in front of his friends."
The not so subtle lesson is that you take his power when you shed your fear publicly, and in front of his friends.
Now I'm not saying to go knock out the first armed teabagger you see, but we need to be more aggressive in confronting this dangerous beast of an ideology.
HIT THE STREETS next time they piss on you.
HIT THEIR POCKETS by changing to community banks, or shutting down their companies.
HIT THEIR REPUTATIONS by confronting their enablers and shutting them down too.
Because if they steal another election, --if they bully their way back into power-- we'll find ourselves in the same position as the Iranian people in a few years; fighting a fundamentalist minority with sticks and bottles because they have more guns.
(short clarifying edit at top)