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Richard Pombo running for Congress again..but not where you think...(CA - Yikes!)

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Kadie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-04-10 06:32 PM
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Richard Pombo running for Congress again..but not where you think...(CA - Yikes!)
Richard Pombo running for Congress again..but not where you think...

Former seven-term Congressman Richard Pombo, R-Tracy, is back -- or at least he wants to be. The former chair of the House Resources Committee -- and the Sierra Club's worst nightmare -- plans to announce Tuesday that he's going to run for Congress again. No, not in the Tracy-area district he served for seven terms, but in the neighboring, deeper-in-the-Valley seat now occupied by GOPper Rep. George Radanovich, who is resigning to take care of his ailing wife.

Yes, yes, kids, technically that's called carpet-bagging and sooooooooooooo Garamendi of him. Must be a Central Valley rancher thing. (Interestingly, Pombo defeated Patti Garamendi, John's wife, in 1992 to originally win the seat.) Then again, in Congress, it really doesn't matter where you live as long as you can pull the cash and votes.

Pombo's chief handler Steve Ding sent a note to GOP friends Monday asking for support and telling folks he's putting together the team. Says the Dinger: "Richard has already been working the new district and lining up support.

"At this current juncture its going to be a high profile primary. Other candidates who have announced include State Senator Jeff Denham and former mayor of Fresno Jim Patterson."

Read more:

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tularetom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-04-10 06:38 PM
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1. Radanovich is an idiot. Pombo is dangerous
The way this district has been gerrymandered there is very little hope that we will ever get a Democratic congressman, so I always figured that moran Randanovich was the best we were going to be able to do. Nevertheless I was happy to learn we were going to get rid of him.

Now, to learn this. I like living here and I wouldn't move, but POMBO?
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Kadie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-04-10 08:24 PM
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2. from the Fresno Bee -
I sure hope he doesn't get elected again.

Pombo to seek Radanovich's seat
Posted at 12:46 PM on Monday, Jan. 04, 2010
By John Ellis / The Fresno Bee

“With me in, it changes things,” Pombo said. “I spent 14 years representing the Valley. I would stack my conservative credentials up against anybody. Look at my record. I have a record of actually doing things.”

Pombo also said he has been “proven right” on many issues he championed, including energy production and delta water pumping.

But Pombo was a lightning rod in Washington, especially during his tenure as Resources Committee chairman.

Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund made a statement after Pombo said he was considering a run for the 19th District.

“Voters should remember that Richard Pombo was booted out of office by the voters because he was repeatedly rated one of the most corrupt members of Congress,” the organization’s president, Rodger Schlickeisen, said in a statement.

The statement said the group is “not about to stand by and watch Pombo grab his carpetbag and return to Congress a mere four years after we worked so hard to oust him. If he runs, we’ll be there to remind voters about his corrupt record and why he was booted out of Congress in the first place.”

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NYC_SKP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-04-10 08:41 PM
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3. We cannot let that rat bastard back in. My district just got rid of him. K and R. n/t
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XemaSab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-04-10 08:45 PM
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4. Radanovich is leaving?
Good riddance to bad rubbish. :P
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Xithras Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-04-10 09:23 PM
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5. Crap. He'll probably win it too.
Denham had the best shot at it, and I was sort of hoping that he'd get the seat. He's more moderate than Radanovich politically and would be an improvement to that seat, but more importantly his moving on would open his state Senate seat, which is a viable Democratic win with the right candidate. We could have replaced an "asshole" Republican with "slightly less assholish" Republican at the federal level, and loosened the Republican grip on the state budget at the same time.

The moment Denham announced, though, the local Thugs went on the attack, calling Denham everything from a "pansy liberal" (heard it on the radio yesterday) to a "soft conservative". The Teabaggers have managed to dominate the local Republican scene and are screaming that they want a "real" conservative to everyone who will listen.

Cue Pombo.

On the other hand, there's another possibility here. Pombo is a carpetbagger in an area that tends to dislike political carpetbaggers (we tend to get a lot of Bay Area and L.A. politicians wandering into the Central Valley thinking we're political nubs, and we usually send them screaming back to their burrows...liberal or conservative, Valley natives tend to bare steel against outside politicians mucking in our politics). There's also STILL a fairly strong dislike for Pombo among many weaker conservatives and businesses in the area, because the dumbass got so blatant about his corruption that he started offending the Christian moralists. If Denham can carry the primary and loses the teabagger vote to Pombo or someone else, we MAY (longshot from hell) be able to get a one term Democrat into the seat on a split ticket.

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm.....
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