...I've read intolerant, over-the-top crap here and on freerepublic. The only good thing here is that most people are atheists, while the FR are a bunch of jesus freaks, and their ulitmate argument is that their bible told them so.
Here, while there's no overt religion, there's still a religious sense of dichotomy. Obama is a christ-like figure, who apparently has been chosen to lead us out of the wilderness, while GW Bush was, is, and represents pure Evil. What silly, two-dimensional drivel.
I mean, when you read posts claiming that the Bush family killed JKF, planned the twin towers bombing, were responsible for poisoning our water supplies with fluoride, which also increased breast cancer, not to mention killing 300 million Iraqi school children and apparently drinking their blood to achieve immortality, it gets old.
I mean, absolutely no tolerance here of any sort of criticism of Barry O, because he's just so, so, african-american and only racists (read republicans only, right?) would dare to be critical of such an exalted figure with such impeccable credentials. That he is just another hack politician whose race was cynically exploited to get the vote out is, well, heresy, heresy, I tell you.
People here, just like on freerepublic, pat themselves on the back and sing together in a chorus about how smart, how informed, how involved, how they're just so much better than their counterparts on the other side of the aisle. Neither group could really hold up as individuals in an open forum, one on one without their posse behind them, backing them up and telling them how smart they were.
So, when somebody posts such patented bullshit as 'we all know our side is not only morally superior, but we're better educated, and it's a fact that our brains are actually physically bigger' well, it's irritating, because it's bullshit, and silly bullshit at that.
Have any of these self-proclaimed homo superiorises ever convinced the other side of their point of view? I have never read a single post that has ever claimed that, because obviously, you can't talk to those little-brains (thanx and a tip of the hat to Albert Brooks in Defending Your Life) especially while they're teabagging (you know, sucking dick and while the balls dangle down their chins, don't tell them though, and we can all make fun of them without them knowing what it actually means, tee hee, tee hee)
If you want to be 'informed' get a subscription to some neutral site like Stratfor or Foreign Affairs, and quit basing your 'knowledge' of current events on what some idiot like Limbaugh or Olbermann or Maddow says; people who make their money singing a particular song for money.