I have become convinced that pretending homosexuality doesn't exist is not an option. ...It does exist. Gay teachers work at each of the four Reformed schools and there are students with homosexual feelings. We want these students have a good school experience, they are allowed to exist.
-- Huib van Leeuwen, President of the Reformed Schools committee
When Christian conservatives say with regard to gays and lesbians that they "love the sinner but hate the sin", what do they do to demonstrate that love? In the United States, too often such "love" is translated into cruel efforts to try to negate or "cure" a person's innate homosexuality, and punish gays with punitive laws and unrelenting vilification.
Some conservative Christians in the Netherlands have a better idea. Late last year, a new 3-lesson curriculum called "Gay in the Class" was introduced in the country's four Calvinist high schools. The focus of the curriculum? Acquaintance, understanding and respect.
This was a completely voluntary development and not government mandated. It happened because gay Calvinists from the organization ContrariO took the initiative and contacted their old schools and started a dialogue with teachers and administrators about what it is like to be gay in a school that negates your very existence. ContrariO collaborated with the school committee ("GRIP"), and together they developed the curriculum. Here is how GRIP describes "Gay in the Class" (linked to from the Actueel item "Lesbrief Homo in de Klas"):
The curriculum consists of three lessons.
In the first lesson the students become acquainted with the phenomenon of homosexuality by way of a short film and other materials through which it becomes clear what it means for someone if he or she is confronted in their own life with a homosexual orientation.