;jsessionid=9F4B1CCAA4E924E90460D9DC0AD8E7F5?diaryId=3594The Idiocy of Profiling
by: Richard Allen Smith
Mon Jan 04, 2010 at 11:01:33 AM EST
As you have probably all heard by now, on Christmas day a would-be terrorist (here forward known as "the crotch rocketeer") attempted to detonate an explosive device sown in to his underwear during the final decent of a flight into Detroit. The plan was foiled, however, when this Busch Leaguers' balls failed to explode, and with the operation lacking the redundancy of a standard al-Qaeda mission, no one was harmed. Once the flight landed and the Crotch Rocketeer was taken into custody, he began responding to questioning and acknowledged that he received the balls-of-fire device from an al-Qaeda franchise in Yemen. The Crotch Rocketeer made this confession without the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques", revealing the information simply by responding to the questions posed by his interrogators.
In spite of the utter failure and elementary level of this operation and the effectiveness of humane interrogation, we are being told by a chorus of bed-wetters that we must engage in Bush/Cheney-esque rape of American civil liberties through activities such as torture and profiling.Just take a look at this video of Tom McInerney indicating that we should begin strip searching every Muslim air traveler:
Video at link~
Apart, for the xenophobic implications, what a ridiculous idea. Watch this: I just converted to Islam. When I go to the airport in a couple weeks will I, with the name Richard Allen Smith, be strip searched being that I converted to Islam three minutes ago and am now a Muslim? My guess is no. What about Mirsad Bektasevic, the Balkan terror cell leader or the other "white Muslims" extremist organizations are attempting to recruit? Will they be profiled if they do not have a Muslim name? Or how about comedian Dave Chappelle who is also Muslim? My guess is since xenophobes would be unable to profile him as Muslim, since he doesn't have what they feel is a "Muslim name", Dave wouldn't be strip searched either. Or How about U.S. Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN)? Will he be profiled with his "traditional" name? If so, are we really going to start strip searching members of Congress due to their religious affiliation?
So I'm not sure what is actually being proposed here. Do the bed-wetters want all whites, African-Americans, Arabs (and Persians?), and those of Balkan decent to be strip searched? Or being that that would be ineffective, are we to create a national registry of the religious beliefs of all Americans?
This is all starting to sound like something out of Germany in the 1930s.