Okay, so the House & Senate bills fall far short of SINGLE-PAYER and any real means of COST CONTAINMENT. Furthermore; neither provides guaranteed coverage to every American... not to mention any reasonable resemblance to "affordable" coverage for MOST Americans.
What these two plans manage to do is to give a HUGE GIFT to the health care industry FOR-PROFITs (HMOs, Insurance Companies, Pharma, etc.)... and that is completely unacceptable, period! Here's how HEATLTH CARE REFORM should have gone... and we need to START AGAIN with this as our uncompromisable outcome:
1. every American SHALL have access to good health care, PERIOD
2. every American SHALL pay their fair share for said access
Based on the current proposals, it seems to be quite alright that some will be paying as much as 20% of their income, for health insurance. So with items #1 and #2 as our uncompromisable foundation... let's begin building upon that "OK-ness"!
3. every American shall pay 20% of their GROSS INCOME for health care insurance (which shall include preventive and corrective medicine/surgery, mental health, dental, prosthetics, and pharmaceuticals). There shall be NO LOOPHOLES, period!
This 20% will apply whether one is SINGLE, or head of a household of 3, 6, 9, 12 (or whatever). Children/Dependents will not be excluded or punished, simply because they have no income... they will simply be included in the HOUSEHOLD's "20% of GROSS INCOME" payment. If you make $1,000/month then you pay 20% of that GROSS income. If you make $10,000,000,000/month then you pay 20% of that GROSS income.
4. corporations and even small businesses SHALL have no "health care insurance burden" whatsoever.
5. the Federal government will collect this "20% of GROSS INCOME" ... and use same to administer a SINGLE-PAYER system (with standardized FORMS and CLAIMS-payments for any and all services, as described in item #3).