How is it that the DO NOT CALL LIST means nothing to these mind poisoning pig f**kers? Is the NRA exempt from the law? I'm sick in bed with a swollen infected leg that's sore as hell and I have to get up and answer the phone. About the time I hobble through three rooms to get to the phone, thinking perhaps that my wife or one of my kids are wrecked out on one of these slick ass roads and I pick up the phone and I get a dial tone. The caller ID says NRA, but there's nobody there. I hit redial and some fucking robot answers and tells me they will wake me again at a later time and f**k with me some more.
I wouldn't give those george bush loving pig f**kers a dime if they had me surrounded and I was running out of ammo. When I was a child I gave money to the NRA, but after I figured out what kind of shit heads the NRA higher ups are I put away such childish things. I don't give my money to organizations that enable torturers and war criminals. If the NRA does connect with me on their next call to my house on the DO NOT CALL LIST, begging me for my money to support their hard right bullshit, it won't be a happy right wing pan-handler on the other end of the line when I've had my say!
BTW, the last time they called was back during McCain's campaign and I guess the caller didn't speak or understand English, because I left no stone unturned as to where I stand politically. If they want money they should get their lazy asses out and work for it, instead of freeloading and Fu**ing with the sick and shut-in.
PS. Wake me up in the spring if you don't hear from me before that!