The New Jersey Senate is going to vote on marriage equality tomorrow. Everyone (gay, straight, New Jersey resident or not) can email the following message to the entire senate (all you need to do is copy and paste the email addresses and message and sign your name)
SenAllen@njleg.org, SenBaroni@njleg.org, SenBateman@njleg.org, SenBeach@njleg.org, SenBeck@njleg.org, SenBucco@njleg.org, SenBuono@njleg.org, SenCardinale@njleg.org, SenCiesla@njleg.org, SenCodey@njleg.org, SenConnors@njleg.org, SenCunningham@njleg.org, SenDoherty@njleg.org, SenGill@njleg.org, SenGirgenti@njleg.org, SenGordon@njleg.org, SenHaines@njleg.org, SenSKean@njleg.org, SenKean@njleg.org, SenKyrillos@njleg.org, SenLesniak@njleg.org, SenMadden@njleg.org, SenOToole@njleg.org, SenOroho@njleg.org, SenPennacchio@njleg.org, SenRedd@njleg.org, SenRice@njleg.org, SenRuiz@njleg.org, SenSacco@njleg.org, SenSarlo@njleg.org, SenScutari@njleg.org, SenSinger@njleg.org, SenBSmith@njleg.org, SenStack@njleg.org, SenSweeney@njleg.org, SenTurner@njleg.org, SenVanDrew@njleg.org, SenVitale@njleg.org, SenWeinberg@njleg.org, SenWhelan@njleg.org
Dear Senators:
When New Jersey passed its civil unions law in 2006, New Jerseyans thought it would mean equality for our state's gay and lesbian couples. But three years later, we have learned that only marriage equality can protect the legal and civil rights of all New Jersey's families.
That's why I'm writing you today. I want to urge you to support legislation guaranteeing the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry, before it's too late.
We're not yet certain of all of Governor-elect Chris Christie's positions, but we're sure of one thing: he will veto legislation for equal marriage for lesbian and gay couples. Governor Corzine has just weeks to sign marriage into law, which he swore to do. Your vote for equal rights has never mattered more.
A state commission found last year that gay and lesbian families suffer because civil unions are not equal to marriages. Same-sex couples routinely face discrimination in health care, taxes, education, and virtually every aspect of their lives because people are confused by the meaning of the alien term "civil union," and corporations and hospitals reject the term as unequal and meaningless as to marriage itself, which provides them cover for continued discrimination.
Civil unions establish the rights of gay couples on paper, but they deny lesbian and gay couples those rights in practice. THEY ARE NOT EQUAL, NOR ARE THEY EVEN "SEPARATE BUT EQUAL."
Marriage equality would also do more than legally protect the civil rights of gay and lesbian couples -- it would boost the finances of an economically battered New Jersey. People would flock to our state for weddings, while others would choose to move to New Jersey, knowing they can live their lives in the security and legal protection that only a marriage can provide.
It's time that all couples and families in New Jersey are treated as equal. We're counting on you to do the right thing by voting for equal civil rights and protections.
Thank you for your time.
Your Name