If you lived here, you would turn right past his column.
But, of course, people here seem always willing to adopt even the nuts, cranks, and criminals into their service when it suits their purposes. (Grover Norquist, anyone?)
So now we're quoting John Kass, who wrote this lovely paean to the Tea Party movement earlier this year:
If America’s Founding Fathers were ever brought here in a time machine, their eyes would moisten with tears of pity and regret.
Then they’d whip out their canes and give us a sound thwacking for willingly giving so much of our labor to government in the form of taxes, and for ceding, like so many sheep, individual economic freedom to the central planning authority.
But the founders wouldn’t have needed the canes on Wednesday, the day that Americans who aren’t big shots in the Obama administration traditionally file their federal taxes. Grass-roots protesters and libertarian think-tank organizers gathered in towns across the country in a series of “tea parties” to rail against the insatiable federal leviathan.
Predictably, Democrats, the Hopium smokers in the media and the left-wing blogs condemned such “tea parties” as gatherings of right-wing wackos.
“I assume we’ll be ridiculed as some fringe element, but I don’t consider myself a right-wing wacko. I’m a stay-at-home mom with three young children,” said Kim Visokey of Winnetka, one of those in the crowd in Chicago’s downtown federal plaza. ...
http://archives.chicagotribune.com/2009/apr/16/local/chi-kass-16-apr16You know what? Rahm Emmanuel would look like Jesus himself next to Richie Daley. And even though it's apparently not true that he will run anyway, this city could use almost anyone who isn't connected with that tired Daley dynasty.