Schwarzenegger's last State of State: Best lines, meat and potatoes
Sacramento -- Declaring "the worst is over for California's economy,'' Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Wednesday delivered his last State of the State address, one which offered a sobering message about the Golden State's budget crisis, which he called "our Katrina."
response to this from poster at SFGate...
Katrina = act of God
Budget Deficit = act of bad politician
Recommend: (39)(0)
*On prison reform, which he said could save the state billions annuallly: *"What does it say about any state that focuses more on prison uniforms than on caps and gowns?"
*On the Congressional health care bill -- "You've heard of a bridge to nowhere. This is health care to nowhere. California's congressional delegation should either vote against this bill..or get in and fight for the same sweetheart deal that Senator Nelson of Nebraska got for the Cornhusker State. He got the corn, we got the husk.''
*On being the "Collectinator" -- "We are not looking for a federal handout, just federal fairness."
*On his outlook: "I tell you how much I believe in the dream...California has the means and the mindpower to solve its problems. Sometimes we are just too close to the problems to see the positives."
*On his proposals: "What do they mean too bold? Bold is what we do in California. What do they mean too hard? If I had hestitated in my career every time I made a move because it was too hard, I would still be yodeling in Austria."
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