Edited on Wed Jan-06-10 03:53 PM by Union Yes
And thus began an era of deficit spending unseen before in human history.
No government had ever spent that sum of money, in the history of world governments.
When Ray-gun first took office in 1981, our national debt stood at $500 BILLION.
When Ray-gun left office in 1988 our national debt was approaching $4 TRILLION. Following the stock market crash of Oct 1987 our economy was in a steep recession.
The 4 TRILLION DOLLAR debt that Ray-gun left us with was an unfathomable amount of money in 1988 dollars. Economists predicted in '88 that we would NEVER pay off the principle of that debt.
22 years later, those economists were right. We've hardly touched the principle of that 4 Trillion. It still fully exists.
Imagine 22 years of interest on a 4 TRILLION DOLLAR debt and we can clearly see how Ray-gun set in motion the downfall of America.
Put a $ amount on that interest.
Ray-gun's government could not have functioned with out borrowing a lifeline of cash from Communist China.
Ray-gun knew that supply-side economics and capitalism were too weak to fund his government and knew that he had to turn to Communism to fund his war machine. What does that say about capitalism and supply-side economics?
Capitalism has and continues to require a Communist life line of borrowed funding.
Capitalists have propagandized and hidden this tiny fact from the people.
I DO NOT endorse full blown Communism. State Communism is a human rights disgrace.
Capitalism is a human rights disgrace.
I'm a Democratic Socialist. Elected and representative socialism is the way to go in my book.
It's time to unpropagandize and make Americans aware of Ray-guns Pro-Communist hypocrisy.
It's time to call out the Ray-gunbots on the reich wing side of the aisle when they claim to be pro-Ray-gun or claim that Atomic Ronny was the conservative king. And Mr. fiscal conservative blah blah blah.
Remind all wingnuts of Ray-guns hypocrisy.
Teach it in our schools.