How many times are we going to play 'Charlie Brown' trying to kick the football held by Lucy as she, once again, pulls away the football at the last moment and good 'ol Charlie Brown falls flat on his ass? I'm starting to feel like little Natalie Wood, sitting in the back seat of her parent's car, hoping beyond all hope that Kris Kringle will keep his promise of giving her a new home for Christmas... all the whle repeating to herself over and over again.... "I do believe, I do believe, I do believe."
I really loved Bill Clinton. He was such a "nice guy" through and through. I wanted so hard to believe him when he swore he was not lying about Monica. I thought "oh my God, he's not stupid enough to throw away his whole presidency over HER." I really believed him. When he finally admitted his guilt on public t.v., my heart sunk. "How could he betray me like that?"
Then I was rooting for John Edwards. Talk about a "nice guy". I really believed he was strictly for the "common man" and had sterling ethics. He kept telling us that he was in it until the end. Then all of a sudden, he drops out. When we found out that he cheated on his wife, again I was crushed.
In spite of what some people here may believe. I originally really liked Obama. He impressed the hell out of me. What a "nice guy"... When I heard his speech at the Democratic Convention, I turned to my sister and said, "I really believe that man will be the first black President of America." Then, when he sided with Joe Lieberman during Joe's campaign for re-election, I was disappointed. When he chose Rick Warren of California’s Saddleback Church to deliver the invocation at his inauguration, I just couldn't stomach it. Then when I saw his choice for the Treasury and Chief of Staff, I started to cringe and thought "oh no. Not again" I have to admit, even I was truly moved by the passion of his campaign speeches. I kept telling myself, "C'mon John. Be fair. He's the real thing... a real nice guy. Feel the excitement in the air. Give the guy a chance." No one is saying he isn't a nice guy.
I'm tired of speeches. I want ACTION.
When you have so much heart and emotion vested in someone, it's hard to see the truth. But some people never can bring themselves to look at the obvious. Betrayal hurts too much. So, we continue to justify our "hero's" actions.
Even after all the crap Bush put us through, I still hear from Republican associates of mine defending him to the end. It's as if he could do no wrong... no matter the facts.
I'm not saying any of these 3 men aren't nice guys. Hell, I'm sure that even George Bush had some nice qualities too. But I'm not looking for my President to be a nice guy. I want a tough, ruthless bastard who isn't afraid to stand up to power. I want a President who FIGHTS for the common man and knows the ropes, knows the players and especially knows how to follow through and get the job done right.
That's not asking too much, is it? C'mon people. Sanity has been defined as, 'Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Maybe it's time for a different approach. Any ideas?
We now return to our regular scheduled program, now in progress:
Repeat after me: "I do believe, I do believe, I do believe, I do believe..."
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"Maybe if we keep watching, SOMEBODY will make things better. Be patient."