Officially the coffee shop is called "15th Ave Coffee and Tea" but the store and a similar sister location have earned another name: "the Stealth Starbucks."
At first glance the coffee shops in the mega-chain's hometown of Seattle do not even look like Starbucks.
The ubiquitous smiling Mermaid logo has apparently swum away, there are no baristas in trademark green smocks either and not a tall, grande or venti sized beverage in sight.
The only hint that the store is owned by the coffee giant and not a local java seller is the "Inspired by Starbucks" lettering across the front door
Inside, pages from Plato's dialogues decorate an entire wall, sweeteners sit on a bathtub converted into a table, beer and wine are for sale and employees dole out customized drip coffees along with advice on which are the best beans.