AP via HuffPost:
Bomb-Sniffing Dogs Demoted! 3 Security Dogs At Philly Airport DecertifiedRON TODT | 01/ 6/10 07:33 PM | AP
PHILADELPHIA — Three bomb-sniffing dogs assigned to inspect cargo at Philadelphia International Airport failed recent recertification tests and federal officials should immediately replace them, a Pennsylvania congressman said.
U.S. Rep. Robert Brady, D-Pa., said he was briefed on the failures by airport and Transportation Security Administration officials.
"This is totally ridiculous," Brady said.
Brady sent a letter Tuesday to acting TSA administrator Gale Rossides urging him "to immediately replace the three dogs on duty at PHL with certified animals so that passengers and cargo flying out of our airport can do so safely."
There also are 10 TSA-certified Philadelphia police dogs assigned to the airport.
TSA spokesman Greg Soule said the agency could not comment on the status of its dogs. He said, however, that the rigorous nature of yearly certification tests means that some of the nation's 700 TSA-led dog teams deployed in air, marine and mass transportation systems may not pass and must go through a remedial program. ...........(more)
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