Wednesday, Jan 6, 2010 20:20 EST
Terrorized by the media
Spare us the sky-is-falling hysteria. If anything, the failed bombing shows how little we need to fear al-QaidaBy Gene Lyons
AP/Charles Dharapak
...... we could all do without the sky-is-falling hysteria.
If anything, Abdulmutallab's failed atrocity attempt demonstrates, once again, how little America as a nation actually has to fear from al-Qaida. Everyone reading this column is far more likely to die in an automobile accident or an influenza epidemic than at a terrorist's hands.
Islamic extremists can't invade the United States or cripple its armed forces, can't heavily damage the nation's infrastructure or productive capacity, can't impair the nation's functioning nor undermine its government.
All they're capable of -- and the Flight 253 episode shows them not terribly good at that -- are mass murder atrocities, the purpose of which is to terrify Americans into doing stupid things that sap our morale and damage ourselves.Things like
invading Iraq, resorting to using torture, abandoning the rule of law and demanding authoritarian solutions that provide a false sense of security to people quivering with media-amplified fear. Such as Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney's demand on (where else?) Fox News that all Muslim men between ages 18 and 28 be strip-searched before boarding airplanes. Only the cravenly politically correct, he thinks, could object.
the real telltale headline appeared in the Washington Post on Dec. 30: "Republicans see political opportunity in Obama response to failed airplane bomb." Dick Cheney emerged from his bunker to claim it's all the president's fault. "We are at war and when President Obama pretends we aren't, it makes us less safe," he said. "Why doesn't he want to admit we're at war? It doesn't fit with the view of the world he brought with him to the Oval Office."