Originally, when the 3 page TARP bill was passed after serious protestations of the Citizens of the United States, it was supposed to be used to purchase troubled assets. The name of the bill is the Trouble Assets Relief Program.
Henry Paulson was lazy and didn't want to do any of the purchasing/valuation thing so he used if for re-capitalization that would be paid back. They used a variety of instruments from preferred stock to debt in this effort.
The Obama administration re-interpreted tax rules this year for the big banks so that their tax liability would be less and the banks paid the TARP back with their tax breaks. Essentially we forgave the debt. They got a 300 billion dollar donation.
Back to that TARP thing. Right now the FED is buying Mortgage Backed Securities from the big banks. These were the Troubled Assets from the relief plan. In addition the government has blown a lot paying for losses in Fannie and Freddie and looks like is planning to pay another 200 billion this year.
The big banks aren't doing much lending, even by the administration's admission, they'd like to see more capital flows from them.
So if we would have just done the TARP thing with the original money, would Too Big to Fail even be an issue. They aren't lending and they could have been orderly made smaller (hell you wouldn't even have to nationalize the market would have done it for you).
Just a thought I had today.