Memphis police charge recruit with homemade porn
Associated Press - January 7, 2010 7:25 AM ET
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - Police in Memphis say they charged a police academy recruit after finding a video of him having sex with a juvenile.
Police spokeswoman Karen Rudolph told The Commercial Appeal the case against 26-year-old Gregory Marshall was "open and shut."
Marshall was charged with exploitation of a minor by electronic means, statutory rape and photographing an individual without consent. He was also dismissed from the academy.
A police affidavit stated Marshall tried to get a 17-year-old girl to let him record them having sex, but she refused. Police said Marshall is accused of then secretly videotaping a sexual encounter with the girl, who was 17.
Police found several tapes of sex acts, but it wasn't immediately clear whether they had been made secretly.