Dick Cheney's Campaign Of Treason Is Unravelingby KingOneEye
Wed Jan 06, 2010 at 06:03:02 PM PST
Since at least last May, I have been unveiling the efforts of extremist right-wing politicians and pundits to signal our enemies in Al Qaeda that now is the time to strike (See: The Republican Advance Team For Terrorism
http://www.newscorpse.com/ncWP/?p=1278 ). They have been waving their arms excitedly and shouting to anyone who will listen that America is less safe and, therefore, vulnerable. They have been partnering with their pals in the press to make sure that the message gets out. And they know full well that the enemy is paying attention...
...Dick Cheney is the de facto leader of this forward brigade. He outlined the theme over five years ago when he said:
"Terrorist attacks are not caused by the use of strength; they are invited by the perception of weakness."
And ever since Barack Obama took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Cheney and his comrades have endeavored to produce the very perception of weakness about which he pretended warn. The question is, how does announcing to the terrorists that our nation is weaker make us safer? Are they just pasting a big bulls eye on America and hoping for an "I told you so" moment? I desperately hope that that's not the case, but there aren't many other plausible explanations.
Finally, some in the media are beginning to recognize the danger into which Cheney et al are leading us:
Keith Olbermann: "We are at war," Dick Cheney came down from Mt. Megalomaina to announce, "and when President Obama pretends we are not it makes us less safe." If Mr. Cheney believes we are at war, then he, as the most recent former occupant of the vice-presidency is under the strictest obligations to put aside his case of terminal partisanship and rally to the support of his president at a time of war. Instead his remarks not only give encouragement to the enemies of this country, they give them an exact measure as to how successful they have been in damaging our freedoms.
Jonathan Alter: The problem I think we have now is sort of crystallized by former Vice-President Cheney's role in this debate. I think that he has actually gotten to a place where he is actually emboldening the terrorists.
It's about time that these traitors are called to account for their actions. If they believe that our country is at risk, they should consult privately with the administration and/or national security officials to alleviate that risk. They could work behind the scenes to close any security gaps and contribute to enhancing our safety without alerting the enemy to our shortcomings. They certainly should not be coaching the opposing team from the sidelines...