IMO, the best source for in-depth, informative and revealing news is the weekly/monthly periodicals such as">The Nation,">Mother Jones,">The Christian Science Monitor,">The Progressive,">Harper's,">Rolling Stone, etc.
I think DU as a community would be well served to have a distinct forum to post and discuss the stories generated by the above mentioned sources.
As it stands now most of these articles would not qualify for LBN because they would be more than">12 hours old. And posting in GD or GD:P mixes them with our own commentary OPs.
Also, I think there would be enough material to fill a new forum since there are quite a few of these trusted periodical's out there and they turn over weekly.
So what think you DU...
Would a new forum dedicated to Investigative Journalism benefit DU?
(ETA: Had to change it to say no to emoticons because of the :P)