I found this IMDb review of "George W Bush Battles Jesus Christ" (Which is a short Political Remix that can be watched in full here:
I'm going to excuse myself to the bathroom to vomit now....... Here is the review in defense of W:
(Sigh!) OK, so we all hate W, right? Well, half of us, anyway. I'm sure the director and those behind him think this little piece is very profound and clever, but it actually shows a very shallow, self-refuting perspective on faith and Christianity. The issues that this piece tries to catch W on are ones that have been practical problems for every person who seeks to seriously follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, including the director and screenwriter of this film. It is easy to poke fun at anyone who has been entrusted with the safety and protection of not only his fellow countrymen, but of the downcast and tyrannized throughout the world, as the cases arise. A careful study of the Bible and words of Jesus will place W in at least as positive a light as any other president who has claimed the name Christian throughout USA history, including Barrack Hussein Obama. Remember, He who taught, "Love thine enemies" also said, "Think not that I have come to bring peace on earth, but a sword; for every man's hand shall be against his brother, and those of a man's own household shall be considered his enemies." There is just more to "Peace on Earth" than the simplistic liberal ideal of "Live and let live"; especially if the well-being of others is your responsibility and they are in danger of attack from deadly forces. If you think that "an eye for an eye" leaves the whole world blind, then consider that the easiest place in which to rob and kill people is the one where all weapons have been banned. That's how 3 guys with box cutters get to take over an aircraft and use it as a WMD!