January 7, 2010
New Study Asks "Was Prop 8 Straight?"
By Joan Brunwasser
Exclusive Interview with EI Advocates Sally Castleman and Emily Levy
I have with me Sally Castleman of Election Defense Alliance and Emily Levy of Velvet Revolution, two veterans of the Election Integrity movement. Welcome to OpEdNews, Emily and Sally.
In November 2008, Proposition 8 was a hot issue in the State of California. The proposition actually stripped existing marriage equality rights. There were strong feelings on both sides; between supporters and opponents, over $80 million was raised. The proposition was passed and the state constitution was amended. Almost immediately after the election, questions were raised about the validity of the election results. Recently, a study on Proposition 8 was released. What does the study show?
Sally: The study shows that at ten polling places in Los Angeles County where the exit polls were performed (that covered 19 pr
ecincts) the official election results appear to have been corrupted. The study doesn't prove that the results were wrong. Neither can whether any incorrect vote counts were the result of error or fraud. But the results of the study indicate that an investigation is warranted.
Emily: Fortunately, because California does have paper ballots and those ballots by law must still exist, an investigation is possible. In states where touch screen voting machines are used, a problem like this could not be evaluated effectively. In this case, if the chain of custody of the ballots and other evidence has been maintained, a meaningful investigation should be possible and should be initiated immediately by the Secretary of State's office. We've launched a new website, www.WasProp8Straight.org, where readers can write email to Secretary Bowen and take other actions.
http://www.opednews.com/articles/New-Study-Asks-Was-Prop-8-by-Joan-Brunwasser-100107-88.htmlAlso see this thread posted by emlev in GLBT: