An animated editorial cartoon by Mark Fiore has the conservative blogosphere buzzing and livid at National Public Radio for posting a cartoon on the opinion section of its website back in early November. The cartoon entitled “Learn to Speak Tea Bag” pokes fun at Tea Party conservatives for using button pushing terms such as “Nazi” and “socialist” in discussion of the Health Care legislation in Washington. The cartoon was published by all of his clients, including NPR, which has conservatives upset that federal money is supporting a “liberal slant.”
Another point of contention is the use of the term “Tea Bag” which has a double sexual meaning. (Google it if you just need to know.) Mark wasn’t the first to use the derogatory term, but conservatives are upset that it is continually used instead of “tea party.”
An animated editorial cartoon by Mark Fiore has the conservative blogosphere buzzing and livid at National Public Radio for posting a cartoon on the opinion section of its website back in early November. The cartoon entitled “Learn to Speak Tea Bag” pokes fun at Tea Party conservatives for using button pushing terms such as “Nazi” and “socialist” in discussion of the Health Care legislation in Washington. The cartoon was published by all of his clients, including NPR, which has conservatives upset that federal money is supporting a “liberal slant.”
Another point of contention is the use of the term “Tea Bag” which has a double sexual meaning. (Google it if you just need to know.) Mark wasn’t the first to use the derogatory term, but conservatives are upset that it is continually used instead of “tea party.”
Here is the video:
Mark is reporting on his blog that he’s getting all kinds of negative emails – even threats on his life.
He writes:
I say that not because I get some thrill out of receiving emails that are in all capital letters or have more exclamation points than letters in the alphabet, I say that because one of the most important functions of a political cartoon, or political animation, is to foster a discussion. With thousands of comments posted, loads of emails and tweets, discussion was definitely fostered, and then some. It’s the “then some” that worries me.
Of course discussion on the web is not known for its civility, but it finally dawned on me the strangeness of receiving death threats at the same time a crazed Somali extremist tried to kill cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.
Muslim extremist, meet Tea Party extremist. Tea Party extremist, meet Muslim extremist.