Rolls Into Massachusetts
By David Weigel 1/8/10 4:36 PM
The liberal group — which recently campaigned for liberal Democratic senators to kill a health care bill that didn’t include a public option — is asking its members to help Democratic candidate Martha Coakley in the Massachusetts special election for Senate.
The Republicans are pulling out all the stops in the special election to fill Ted Kennedy’s seat, because if they win, they’ll be able to stall health care reform. Election Day is January 19th. Can you contribute to help Democrat Martha Coakley hold on to Senator Kennedy’s seat?
On Monday, before there’d been polling on the race, some smart Republicans told me that the lack of outside interest in the election was a boon — liberals had been lulled to sleep, expecting a Coakley landslide, while conservatives were going full-out for Republican Scott Brown. The newfound liberal interest/panic is, on balance, bad news for Brown.The full appeal: