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With USC football under investigation, Pete Carroll flees to Seattle Seahawks

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pissedoff01 Donating Member (163 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-09-10 10:43 AM
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With USC football under investigation, Pete Carroll flees to Seattle Seahawks

Seahawks Beckon, and U.S.C. Cringes

LOS ANGELES — Classes are not in session at the University of Southern California, although anyone walking around the campus near downtown would have seen palm trees swaying gently in the breeze on a sun-splashed day sent straight from a recruiting manual. But the feel-good vibes have turned darker in Heritage Hall, the athletic department building that holds the Trojans’ football offices. With news media reports circulating that the Seattle Seahawks were looking to hire Pete Carroll in the wake of firing Coach Jim Mora Jr., only uncertainty and reporters filled Heritage Hall on Friday afternoon.

In a move that could shake college football and transform one of the sport’s leading programs, all signs point to Carroll’s leaving the Trojans for the N.F.L.’s Seahawks. Carroll wasn’t on campus Friday, a day off for the Trojans staff. “It’s kind of shocking that he’s trying to leave,” said Malik Jackson, a sophomore defensive lineman for the Trojans...

Carroll’s flirtations with the N.F.L. are almost an annual rite, but this courtship has a different feeling from previous dalliances with teams like the Miami Dolphins and the Atlanta Falcons. Much of that feeling stems from the N.C.A.A.’s investigation into the Trojans’ football program, which goes back to 2006. The university itself is investigating a Los Angeles Times report that tailback Joe McKnight, who declared for the N.F.L. draft on Friday, was driving a Land Rover purchased for his girlfriend by a local businessman...

This week, the university imposed heavy sanctions on its basketball program because of violations in the recruitment of the former star O. J. Mayo. Since 2006, the N.C.A.A. has been investigating whether the family of the former Trojans running back Reggie Bush took as much as $300,000 in cash and goods from a would-be marketing agent while he was in college. While these problems have festered the past few weeks, Mike Garrett, the university’s athletic director, has made few public appearances or comments. Garrett declined to comment to reporters about Carroll on campus Friday evening while walking to his car. The university’s president, Steven Sample, plans to retire later this year. With the potential of N.C.A.A. sanctions and a leadership vacuum, the landscape for Trojan football has changed faster than one of Bush’s patented stutter steps...
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msedano Donating Member (682 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-09-10 10:53 AM
Response to Original message
1. Unreccommended. Misleading Subject.
C'mon, don't make me live up to your handle. The article says this:

A U.S.C. spokesman said: “At this point, we have nothing to report. Perhaps check with the Seahawks.”

Carroll hasn't fled. The article misserves its readers as much as your Subject. Athletic Director Garrett's incompetence is the root cause of USC's problem. That, and hiring stupid athletes who should be in the Army, not taking up classroom space real students need.
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pissedoff01 Donating Member (163 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-09-10 11:10 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. You believe that USC mouthpiece or ESPN & multiple NFL sources?
Edited on Sat Jan-09-10 11:14 AM by pissedoff01
Check your TV screen.

FYI - I don't give a rat's ass about your "unrecommended" rating. I don't pay attention to that crap.
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fishwax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-09-10 11:57 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. well, ESPN and multiple sources also guaranteed that Bob Stoops was heading to Notre Dame
just a few weeks ago, in spite of repeated denials from the parties concerned. I think there's a good chance Carroll is gone, but lets not pretend that ESPN always gets these things right, even when they say it's a done deal.
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RUMMYisFROSTED Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-09-10 11:00 AM
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2. And my Seahawks decline continues...
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Missy Vixen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-09-10 12:08 PM
Response to Reply #2
6. Amen
What a stupid, stupid move. I've been watching the Seahawks for 32 years now. This will go down in Seahawks history as a bigger fiasco than the ongoing caterwauling over both Holmgren and Steve Hutchinson.


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goclark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-09-10 11:34 AM
Response to Original message
4. Don't know what to believe from the article but I am a loyal Trojan
and I sure don't want Carroll to leave.

That said, he has given us some beautiful moments and he will be

As far as the Cars given etc., that has been going on at the college level at many schools for years.

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