Does anger at Dems REALLY translate into Repubs picking up more seats?
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Sat Jan-09-10 12:29 PM
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Does anger at Dems REALLY translate into Repubs picking up more seats? |
Or are we buying into the media habit of deciding the outcomes way ahead of time? I'm just wondering if there might be other outcomes (and thus, other memes) that we could cite. Maybe there will be very vigorous opposition by truly Progressive challengers -- and voters will vote for them! I'm simply not believing that the electorate is suddenly re-enchanted with the Repubs, who did such incredible damage to the foundations of our society and economy while they were in control. I'm thinking that what most people really want is LESS corporatism and MORE progressivism. And I think the polls -- which are spun into unrecognizable "results" -- actualy bear this out.
What do you think?
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