News of CIA/Blackwater hit squad upset German government
January 7, 2010
German politicians have finally caught up with the startling revelations of Blackwater founder and CEO, Erik Prince, who last month told Vanity Fair that he worked as a CIA spy, carrying out secret missions with the help of a Blackwater hit squad. The Vanity Fair article revealed that, among other targets, the squad planned to assassinate Mamoun Darkazanli, an alleged al-Qaeda financier living in Hamburg, Germany.
But did anyone in Washington think to ask the German government whether it was OK for a Blackwater/CIA assassination team to run around the country, planning extrajudicial murders of alleged al-Qaeda members? Apparently no, says German newsmagazine Der Spiegel, adding that the revelation has upset members of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, as well as opposition Social Democrats and Greens, who are now demanding a special investigation into the matter. Could Germany become the second European country, after Italy, to hand out jail sentences to CIA agents (or contractors) for illegal undercover activities? If so, the case will involve most of Blackwater’s (now renamed Xe Services) senior leadership, including Erik Prince himself. Late last night, the Associated Press contacted CIA spokesperson George Little, who “declined to comment on the case”.