would you prefer I leave now that you have passed judgement.
Let me sum up my posts to save time: - I believe in conservation but not warming (man-made part) - I believe in enabling employees (read labor) and am sick an tired of the congress and senate letting them down, aka healthcare, etc. I even believe the head of labor is making a solid smoke screen blaming repubs for the tax on cadillac plans - I believe airport security is crap and Obama must do something about it, like probably firing Janet N for blowing it several times in several places.
Did I miss somethign ?
Just want to save you time - you accuse me for havign my opinions, but know nothing about me. I have fought (and lost a lucrative job in the process) to allow a former felon keep his job because he paid a price and turned himself around. I've started programs in wealthy areas to have kids from well-off families take food to the poor so they can see what the world is really like. (as a matter of fact, the biggest success for me was one of the kids commented that he expected to see large screen tvs and stereos and was shocked at how three families were foced to live in such a terrible location). I work EVERYDAY to help drive living wages and advance skills of hourly labor. I believe we need to solve immigration and stop giving folks with McMansions cheap gardeners and companies cheaper labor (the fines and embarassment are a calculated/acceptable risk).
That's some of my resume - is it good enough for you ?
Let me know, because I got attacked (instead of debated) on several other threads as well. I am happy to leave if you would prefe a bunch tripe that supports your personal opinions.
Hopefully I can save the mods a little time - feel free to forward this to them.
If you're right, now I know why a lot of the threads here are, frankly, boring. Yeah, me to ! Yeah he sucks ! Yeah you're right the're a-holes, blah, blah, blah....