Edited on Sun Jan-10-10 05:47 AM by OneBlueSky
to entities that have absolutely zero interest in the provision of healthcare -- good, bad, or indifferent . . . corporations have one purpose, and one purpose only -- to make as much money as possible for their shareholders . . . it's their fiduciary responsibility, and it's the law . . . nothing about what they do has anything at all to do with providing good, affordable healthcare for Americans . . .
does anyone believe that's why these corporations were formed? . . . they were formed because healthcare is a multi-billion dollar business, and the people who formed the corporations saw an opportunity to get a share of the pie . . . that's it . . . it had nothing at all to do with altruism, generosity, or serving the American people . . . and now that they're up and running, it's in their best interest to maximize their income (i.e. increase premiums) and minimize their expenditures (i.e. decrease payouts for benefits) in order to earn the greatest profits possible -- as their fiduciary role requires them to do . . .
how does it make any sense at all to turn our healthcare system over to entities that have absolutely zero interest in healthcare? . . . and complete and total interest in bleeding their customers as much as they possibly can in order to maximize their profits? . . .
again, health insurance companies have NO interest in healthcare . . . their only interest is making money, and the vast sums spent on healthcare is simply a golden opportunity for them to rake a bundle right off the top . . . while screwing policyholders at every opportunity . . .