I would imagine ES&S and Diebold are licking their chops
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Sun Jan-10-10 08:45 AM
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I would imagine ES&S and Diebold are licking their chops |
Now that the Dems have dropped like a rock in the public eye. Close elections make for lots of wiggle-room to electronically steal them.
Too bad they screwed the pooch on health insurance reform by protecting the corporates. A strong public option (Medicare for all) and we would not be in this boat.
my 2 cents anyway
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Sun Jan-10-10 08:49 AM
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1. Just like they stole the 2008 Presidential race and the 2006 Congressional races? |
Since the capability was there back in 2004, why wouldn't they?
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Sun Jan-10-10 10:37 AM
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You have proof they didn't steal millions of votes in 2006 and 2008?
Because there is plenty of proof that millions of votes were stolen. So, if you have proof that votes weren't stolen, you'd be a hero.
But you don't. And if you studied the numbers you wouldn't even post what you did. Obvious that you haven't studied up on how votes are stolen.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:45 PM
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