the OP:
The federal government is now on an all out anti-America, anti-capitalism, anti-business, anti-free-markets, anti-Liberty, anti-constitution Marxist rampage that is robbing us of our freedom, destroying our economy, destroying our wealth, bankrupting our businesses large and small, driving up unemployment and taxes, driving down the dollar, weakening our nation, enslaving our people and bankrupting our states and local governments.
And they're just getting started. President Obama and the Marxist Democrats aided and abetted by establishment RINO Republicans are pushing to destroy entire market segments and the industrial might of America through their radical anti-business, anti-free-market, anti-America energy and environmental policies and international treaties.
All of this has not gone unnoticed. The growing grassroots TEA Party movement has declared war against the unconstitutional galloping Marxist government. The media, the government, leaders of the political parties, and political pundits and naysayers everywhere have tried for a year now to IGNORE or downplay the TEA Party movement, but they can ignore us no more. The time for action has come.
Among the responses:
I’ve been using that “When in the course of human events...” phrase a lot lately in talking to people.
The Declaration of Independence was a letter to the world at large explaining why we were justified in breaking away from England.
Now we see that we need to break away from our own government.
It is time for a new birth of freedom.
by exit82 (Democrats are the enemy of freedom. Sarah Palin is our Esther.)
How about a “Do over”?
by irishtenor
To: irishtenor
This is a final attempt at a “do over” before a heated political battle becomes an actual fighting war for Liberty.
by Jim Robinson (Join the TEA Party Rebellion!! May God and TEA save the Republic!!)
What scares me Jim, is that half of America disagrees with you about throwing the bums out.....Then we have Acorn and such, making sure that your vote isn’t counted.
So I guess that leaves rebellion as our only option.
by colorcountry
Hear! Hear! THE MAN!
(Always the “however”...)
You know, I know it, all FReepers know it.
The Marxist Mafia that controls our federal government will not allow themselves to be voted out of office - they plan to steal the election of 2010.
I say the only way the Democommies leave office is when We The People finally revolt and pull their dead cold bodies out of various federal buildings.
by Ronbo1948
until we are ready to camp on the mall and surround the capitol in the numbers required.... for as long as it takes to get their attention, we are wasting time and money.
When we are ready to commit to me. My money and efforts will be available.
by is_is (VPD of Sgt Dan, Former 2/5 MARINE - "Sleep Well America......Your Marines have your Back")
Let me see.. Magazine release, safety, slide lock, Crimson Trace on/off switch... nope, no reset.
by I see my hands (_8(|)
God will straighten out this mess very soon. This happens a few times in ones life.
The Old Testament say that God allows nations to decay so we learn to depend on Him.
Like Reagan in 1980, change is coming and Americas enemies will miraculously implode. Be patient just a little longer. Good times will return within a few years.
Finalapproach29er (Obama will sink as fast as he rose. Idolatry will not succeed. Be patient, folks...)
Time for us to DO OUR DUTY! Kartographer (".. we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.")
You have clearly stated that many of our elected officials have committed tyranny and treason by violating their oath of office. They not only should be removed from office they should be put on trial!
by orinoco