Bahbwah WAHWAH said HALPERIN said earlier that the biggest shock in his book was Elizabeth EDWARDS' discrepancy between her public and actual images.
**********QUOTE******** elections
In October 2004 the Drudge Report published a memo Halperin sent to ABC News staff about coverage of the U.S. presidential election directing them not to "reflexively and artificially hold both sides 'equally' accountable" and that both John Kerry and George W. Bush used "distortion" in their campaign, but that Kerry's distortions were not "central to his efforts to win." (2) Halperin was criticized by conservatives who used the memo to reinforce long standing beliefs of media bias. (3,4) ABC News spokesman Jeffrey Schneider confirmed the authenticity of the memo but stresses Halperin’s fairness and objectivity. (5)
2006 elections
In October 2006, Halperin appeared on Hugh Hewitt's conservative talk radio show but refused to discuss any of his political views, but after the interview Halperin protested the "insult" of being characterized as "very liberal" by Hewitt.(6) Halperin claimed to agree with Hewitt on every topic they discussed.(7)
In the run-up to the 2006 Congressional elections, Halperin predicted that George W. Bush would be "back over 53% any day now" and warned "If I were them (Democrats), I'd be scared to death about November's elections". (8,9) In fact, the Democrats regained control of both houses of Congress and George W. Bush's approval rating remained in the 30s. (10) This was the first of several predictions that earned Halperin a reputation for inaccurate prognostication.
2008 elections
On August 21, 2008, Halperin posted on his blog the rumor that Richard Lugar would be Barack Obama's running mate. Lugar had at that point already endorsed Obama's rival John McCain. The post was quickly taken down and never again referenced, nor officially corrected.(11)
On September 3, 2008 on CNN's The Situation Room Halperin stated to Wolf Blitzer that Palin is a "risky choice", and also stated that 'House-gate' - John McCain forgetting how many houses he owns - would primarily hurt Obama, rather than McCain.(12,13,14,15)
Halperin again ran counter to conventional wisdom when he concluded that 'John McCain won the week'(16) in the week the economic crisis hit in full force, widely believed to have been the week Obama started to put the election away.(17)
On November 21, 2008, at a Politico/USC conference on the 2008 election, Halperin called the election media coverage "the most disgusting failure of people in our business since the Iraq war. It was extreme bias, extreme pro-Obama coverage." (18)
During the election, Halperin made 113 references to Rush Limbaugh, 77 to Sean Hannity, 56 to Matt Drudge and 34 to Bill O'Reilly on his blog, whereas Arianna Huffington, Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow got 23, 14 and 9 citations respectively.(19)
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe reportedly would "repeat mantralike" that "If Politico and Halperin say we’re winning, we’re losing."