Edited on Mon Jan-11-10 05:17 PM by ddeclue
The Senate HC "Reform" is a big wet kiss with tongue to the insurance companies and is political suicide for the Democrats. Personal mandates without gov't run single payer or public option is just more insurance company rip off of the American citizen and consumer this time with a Senatorial stamp of approval.
Harry Reid has been nothing but spineless since taking the Majority leader's job and ought to go.
For MY money I'd much rather have Al Franken in the job in the Senate and Alan Grayson as Speaker of the House - they've got backbone, they say what they mean and they stand up for liberal values and aren't ashamed to do so. Finally they have the humor, the wit if you will, to cut their opponents off at the knees and have done so repeatedly. I really love Al Franken's slap down of Joe LIE-berman when he said "I object" in response to LIE-berman's request for additional time on the floor.
Where's Harry on this sort of response? No where - that's where. If it were up to me and I were Majority Leader as Harry is, Joe's new offices would be in a janitor's closet in the sub basement and his parking place would be in Maryland.. and a committee chairmanship ..fahgetaboutit!
As for all the nice polite "filibustering" that Harry has allowed to go on.. I'd make the GOP weasels go out on the Senate floor 24/7/365 and read from the phone book on C-SPAN hour after hour until the public became so enraged that the GOP caved in on single payer health care. Instead we get a chorus of kumbaya and why can't we be friends... :eyes:
I am sick and tired of the selling out and the "compromising" with the Republicans who are simply evil and have been out to destroy us from day one. I want a Democrat with a SPINE.