Translation based on a lifetime of watching the GOP campaign, then legislate once elected..
'Strong on natl defense': translation- The GOP loves this little patriotic sounding phrase at campaign time. But what that phrase really means...
Strong on spreading and forcing supply side economics and capitalism with the gun. If a nation resists American capitalism then enter the CIA first, if political assassinations conducted by our CIA won't persuade said nations, then prepare for war.
See Colombia. American corporations and capitalists are salivating at the prospect of a slave labor workforce. Our CIA is in full assassination mode in Colombia. Killing, brutalizing, intimidating all who want to earn a fair wage. Imagine that, killing a person because they want to earn a fair wage.
That's the evil and vile lengths that capitalists will go to. Greed driven fascists. Greed driven killers.
See all of Central and South America. Ray-gun and his army of right wing fascist Contras. Funded and trained by our CIA. Many Contras received their training at the School of the Americas at Ft Benning, Georgia.
See oil rich Iraq. Predatorized by Halliburton through no bid contracts.
See Afghanistan.
The war to spread capitalism has been brilliantly disguised as the 'War on Terror'.
One of the strongest, most well funded, most powerful, and most corrupt lobbies in Washington - the defense contractor industry. The 'defense' lobby may own more politicians than any other lobby. The Rethug party is under total control of the 'defense' industry. Rethug obedience has been handsomely rewarded by untold wealth and power. Along with quite a lot of GOPLC Dems.
"Strong on National Defense" - DECODED.
'Low' Taxes: translation - Low taxes for the superwealthy and ONLY for the superwealthy. Rethugs champion the shifting of the burden of taxation from the wealthy elite to the middle class and poor. The Bushco taxcuts of 2003 went almost exclusively to the superwealthy. The middle class and poor got almost ZERO benefit from Bush's tax cut package.
The wealthy can afford high priced, aggressive tax attorney's to further lower their tax burden. A bold tax plan can lower a wealthy person's tax burden % of income into 20's and a really bold plan perhaps into the teens.
The top income tax rate is 35%.
Show me a wealthy person that pays 35% of their income in federal income tax.
The Bush tax cuts of 2003 immediately transformed federal budget surpluses into record annual federal budget deficits.
National debt in 2000. $5.5 Trillion Debt at the end of 2008. $12 Trillion. Bushco's tax cuts more than doubled our national debt in his 8 year presidency.
Bush's tax cuts were nothing more than the upward redistribution of wealth from the middle class and poor to the wealthy. Fueling the explosive growth of America's wealth divide.
Low Taxes(only for the wealthy) - DECODED.
Small govt, fiscal responsibility: translation - From 1981-2008 "defense" spending ranked the #1 LARGEST sector of ALL government spending. "Defense" spending is responsible for 80% of our nations $12+ Trillion overall debt.
Ray-gun, the Bush Cabal, Rethugs are/were married to the "defense" industry and destroyed small government and fiscal responsibility. Quite an achievement there, 'Thugs.
No Rethug president has balanced a federal budget in the past 30 years. Dumbya was handed budget surpluses/a balanced budget from Clinton. It took Bushco and Rethug 'fiscal responsibility' about 2 years to destroy surpluses and turn them into record annual budget deficits that doubled our national debt in 8 years.
Almost 100% of our $12 Trillion natl debt is due to Rethug 'fiscal responsibility'.
America can no longer afford Rethugs and their brand of 'small govt'.
Quite an achievement there, 'Thuglicans.
"Small government, fiscal responsibility" - DECODED.
Where did I ever come up with the phrase?....
'Strong on Natl Defense, Low Taxes, Small Government, Fiscal Responsibility'
It's the Rethug party platform. It's also secret code.
It secretly lets defense contractors know that that certain Rethug has got the military/industrial complex's back. They've got a close ally who will gladly deficit spend for the defense industry.
It eases their murder-for-profit minds. Chicken soup for the WARPIG soul.
Otherwise, they'd just simplify their GOP bullshit sloganeering and adopt a more straightforward platform slogan. An example of a leaner, meaner, easier to understand GOP platform slogan...
'Willing to deficit spend and murder for capitalism.'
GOP secret code - DECODED.
Spin on over to any GOP campaign website and look for catchy phrases like 'small govt', 'low taxes, tax cuts', 'strong on national defense', 'fiscal responsibility', and laughibly 'deficit reduction'.