http://gawker.com/5446290/harold-fords-shadowy-associates-everyone-we-hate?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+gawker%2Ffull+%28Gawker%29&utm_content=My+YahooHarold Ford's Shadowy Associates: Everyone We Hate
It's true: Harold Ford, Jr. is a joke. His New York Post editorial today more or less announcing his candidacy for Senate is terrible. His various friends and associates are a rogue's gallery of Gawker's most hated.
This is besides the fact that he once dated
Julia Allison! Because that was a long time ago, at least. More recently:
Deposed car czar and complete asshole
Steven Rattner is his biggest backer. Rattner, a New York Times journalist who became a financier is still under investigation for his role in the New York pension fund pay-to-play scandal.)
We are told that Ford enjoys the support of Mayor
Mike Bloomberg! Who is not a Democrat, by the way, so what he is doing meddling in a Democratic primary is anybody's guess.
And, look, he hired
Bradley Tusk, who Bloomberg hired to run his recent reelection campaign. His strategy, as campaign manager: have and spend all the money, and then barely beat a guy who was not really campaigning at all. Maybe that will work again! (Tusk, by the way, is the former Deputy Governor of Illinois. As in hand-selected by Rod Blagojevich himself.)
His pollster:
Doug Schoen! Schoen is known as the "estranged partner" of Gawker Hero Mark Penn. He is also known as a Democrat-hating Democrat-in-residence at Fox News. And the guy who demanded that Hillary go even more negative on Obama in April of 2008.
Who is Ford's spokesman? Why, it's
Davidson Goldin! Goldin, formerly of NY1 and MSNBC, recently started a "media-strategy and branding firm" with Joe Dolce. Yep, Joe Dolce! Goldin also represents James Frey! And... oh, god, Emily Brill. (Do you see how deep this goes?) ....
Send an email to Alex Pareene, the author of this post, at alexp@gawker.com.